Industry News

How to Choose the Right Resistance Band
Release time: 2024-09-10 15:37:40Zhenxing Latex
What is a resistance band used for?
It is a simple yet highly effective strengthening tool. The advantage is primarily its versatile use. Resistance bands are very popular for both home and outdoor workouts, as well as in gyms. You can use the resistance of the band for support (meaning it reduces your weight and therefore the load, in other words, helps you lift more) or conversely for resistance (meaning it adds imaginary weight and makes the exercise more difficult).
It is also ideal for lighter compensatory exercises, mobility training, and stretching before and after workouts.

1. What will I use the resistance band for?

When choosing the right band, the first and absolutely essential task is to consider the purpose for which I am actually buying the resistance band. Do I need a resistance band for assistance with pull-ups (which is the most common request)? In that case, I will choose a stronger resistance than in cases where I only need the band for stretching or compensatory exercises.

2. What is my physical condition?

Have I been exercising for a long time? What is my fitness level? How much do I actually weigh?
Another crucial factor is to assess your physical condition as accurately as possible. If I need help with pull-ups and I'm a beginner, or I can barely do one pull-up, I will need more support than an athlete who has been training for the second year and needs to practice muscle-ups and only needs weaker bands to overcome the problematic dead spot. Similarly, if you are a man weighing 120 kg, you have to choose a significantly higher resistance than a person who is smaller and weighs, say, 65 kg. Even though both of you are beginners and cannot do even one pull-up.

3. Do I need help or resistance?

It is very important whether I will need help from the band - that is, to help me with more repetitions, or whether I will need it to create resistance during exercise and thus make it more difficult. Here, it is again important to evaluate your fitness level. For resistance use, it is generally better to choose heavier resistance for exercises of larger muscle groups, such as squats, leg presses, bench presses, etc. And lower resistance when exercising muscles such as shoulders or biceps.
For the assisting function of the resistance band, it is slightly more complicated and it is necessary to think comprehensively in the context of other described factors.

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